April 2015
1st April 2015
Kia ora, and welcome to our new children and their whanau.
Nga Pepi Programme
Babies are exploring different textures with their hands and their feet. Some textures create a whirl of excitement and others create a sense of calming and it has been fantastic to see their reactions.
Ruma Potiki Programme
Our toddlers are showing an interest in natural resources: painting with leaves, exploring the edible garden, using bark and rocks to create a play scene and discovering some small creatures along the way.
Nga Teina Programme
It’s been lovely to see children’s personalities shine and friendships develop. We have been noticing children’s interests and are continuing to extend on these, at present they are music and movement, transport and physical challenges are common focuses. Please share with us what your child enjoys the most at T.L.C.
Nga Tuakana Programme
The children are quickly becoming independent at lunch time as they are involved with filling their lunch boxes. We have strong interests in trains, doctors and hospitals to name a few. If you have any resources that you could contribute for this programme it would be much appreciated.
Payment by eftpos is now available at the office, please see Nicole. We hope this makes it more convenient for those that would prefer this option.
New Staff
We would like to give a warm welcome to the following staff that have recently joined our team. Hayley has started in Ruma Potiki and Shelley has joined Nga Tuakana as a senior staff member. Casey and Maymond are students, Valmai is relieving and Julia has joined the management team.
Family Photo's
We would love all caregivers of Nga Teina and Nga Tuakana if possible to bring in a family photo for our whanau board or you can email them to